What started out as one photographic collage turned into a zine collection.
This is a Queer Mind: A LGBTQ+ Zine Collection. 
Zines “speak for their time, they are unedited, they are personal, and they deal with things you would never read about in major publications, from the personal to the political and beyond.” (Sara Century, The Establishment) They historically and currently serve to boost unheard voices and are safe spaces for activism, protest, and communication. Zines have most notably been used by feminist, black, punk, and queer communities. This project has become a collection of physical and digital collage with three issues in total thus far; this issue’s theme is in honor of Lesbian Visibility Week that falls at the end of April every year, while past themes have related to other sexual identities. 
This project's texture and business is is a big nod to OG zine culture. The collages represent navigating sexual identity and empowering oneself with creative expression. 
These visuals are about the personal and the collective.
the original collages that started THIS IS A QUEER MIND

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